How can I stop dentures being loose-fitting?

Your dentures should fit securely on your gums, however, in some cases, you may find they’ve become loose and aren’t fitting as well as they originally did. This is quite common, and there are some things you can do to help to maintain a comfortable fit, so you can continue to live your life to the full.
Why might dentures become loose?
Your dentures can become loose for a number of reasons, many of which are perfectly normal. The most common reason for loose-fitting dentures is a process known as bone resorption, where the gums begin to shrink due to them no longer needing to hold your teeth in place.
One way to help prevent bone resorption is by using your jaw as much as possible – even chewing solid foods should help keep your gums strong and healthy. A balanced diet is also a key factor in helping to prevent resorption, so try to include a wide variety of nutritional foods in your meals.
Another common cause of loose dentures is, simply, everyday wear. Practicing good denture care, including taking your dentures out at night, is important in both preserving them and your gums.
How can I tell if I’ve got loose dentures?
There are a number of ways to tell if your dentures are coming loose. In most cases, where your dentures are loose-fitting, you may find that they tend to slip and no longer fit snugly. You may also notice a clicking noise when you talk and experience some slight discomfort. In addition, you may develop mouth sores or have problems with eating.
If you notice any of these things happening with your dentures, it’s important that you see your dentist as soon as possible. They might advise you use a denture adhesive, or that your dentures need repairing or replacing.