Food denture wearers should be wary of

Wearing dentures (false teeth) should never hold you back from eating the foods you love, although it is true that when you’re getting used to life wearing dentures, you may initially struggle with certain foods. But, in no time you should be able to get back to eating most of the foods you enjoy.
Taking care with your meal plans and making sure that you’re re-introducing different foods back into your diet when you’re ready is a good idea. For more advice on how to eat with dentures, read on.
Hot and cold foods
While you’re still adjusting to your dentures, you may find it hard to sense food that feels especially hot or cold in your mouth. Try to give your hot food or cup of tea or coffee enough time to cool down a little, to ensure your mouth stays comfortable.
Difficult foods
It’s important to adjust your eating habits while you’re getting used to new dentures. You may find it easier to try eating much softer foods like soups and purées. You might also consider giving tough and hard-to-chew foods a miss for the first few weeks, until your mouth gets used to the feeling of wearing dentures. Be wary of foods such as steak, wholegrain breads, nuts and hard boiled sweets until you start to feel more comfortable with chewing.
When you first try tougher foods, ensure you cut the food into small bite-size pieces to make chewing easier. Accompanying tougher foods with a drink can make it even easier to chew.
It’s important to take your time to get used to your dentures and introduce new foods at your own pace at mealtimes. To give you that extra confidence and comfort, Polident denture adhesive can help seal out food particles, so you can enjoy a wider variety of your favourite foods.